The WWE’s flagship program, Raw, premiered on Netflix for the first time, showcasing an unforgettable night filled with legendary appearances and dramatic moments. The event, held...
Demi Moore has taken a significant step toward Oscar glory, winning Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy at the Golden Globes for her transformative performance...
Los Angeles, CA – Pamela Hayden, the voice behind the beloved The Simpsons character Milhouse Van Houten, has announced her retirement from the iconic animated series...
TV presenter Davina McCall, 57, has revealed that she will be undergoing surgery to remove a rare type of brain tumour. In a heartfelt video posted...
HBO has officially launched a casting call for its highly anticipated Harry Potter TV series, inviting young actors from the UK and Ireland to audition for...
Phil Donahue, the pioneering talk show host known as the “king of daytime talk,” has passed away at the age of 88. His family confirmed that...
MTV has decided to delay its annual Video Music Awards (VMAs) by one day to avoid conflicting with the upcoming US presidential debate. The debate, set...