The WWE’s flagship program, Raw, premiered on Netflix for the first time, showcasing an unforgettable night filled with legendary appearances and dramatic moments. The event, held...
Netflix made history this Christmas, setting a new record for the most streamed NFL games in the U.S. Nearly 65 million viewers tuned in to watch...
The Sidemen, a powerhouse group of British YouTube creators, have announced a major shift in their content strategy, moving their reality series Inside to Netflix after...
Netflix’s first venture into live boxing proved to be a major draw, with 60 million households worldwide tuning in to watch the high-profile bout between Mike...
Fans of the hit Netflix show Bridgerton were left disappointed and frustrated after an unofficial Bridgerton-themed ball in Detroit turned out to be a major letdown....
Netflix has reported a significant boost in subscribers, adding over eight million new members in the three months leading up to June. This impressive growth has...