Renowned British rapper Stormzy, born Michael Ebenazer Owuo Junior, has been banned from driving for nine months after admitting to using a mobile phone while driving...
In the early hours of New Year’s Day, celebrations in New Orleans’ iconic French Quarter turned into a scene of horror as a high-speed truck attack...
Authorities in Argentina have charged five individuals in connection with the tragic death of One Direction singer Liam Payne, who passed away on October 16 after...
In a significant development, Russia and Ukraine have exchanged hundreds of prisoners of war in a deal mediated by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This marks...
Hudson Meek, the 16-year-old actor known for his role in Baby Driver and appearances in TV series such as NBC’s Found, has tragically passed away after...
South Korea has voted to impeach its acting president Han Duck-soo, deepening the country’s political turmoil just two weeks after President Yoon Suk Yeol was similarly...
Azerbaijan Airlines has attributed the deadly crash of its Embraer jet in Kazakhstan on December 25 to “physical and technical external interference,” according to preliminary investigations....
Guatemalan police have successfully resisted an attempted recapture of 160 children rescued from the controversial Lev Tahor sect, known for its extremist practices and alleged abuse....
A woman tragically lost her life on Sunday in Brooklyn after being set on fire aboard a stationary subway train. A man has been arrested in...
Rickey Henderson, widely regarded as one of the greatest players in Major League Baseball (MLB) history, has passed away at the age of 65. Known as...