
Selena Gomez Opens Up About Her Journey to Motherhood: “I Can’t Carry My Own Children”



Selena Gomez Opens Up About Her Journey to Motherhood: "I Can't Carry My Own Children"

Selena Gomez, the 32-year-old singer and actress, has revealed that she is unable to carry her own children due to medical reasons. In an intimate cover interview with Vanity Fair, Gomez shared the emotional process of coming to terms with the fact that pregnancy would pose significant risks to both her and the baby’s health.

“I haven’t ever said this, but I unfortunately can’t carry my own children,” Gomez confided. “I have a lot of medical issues that would put my life and the baby’s in jeopardy. That was something I had to grieve for a while.”

Gomez, who has been candid about her health struggles, was diagnosed with lupus, an incurable autoimmune disease that has led to significant health challenges, including a kidney transplant in 2017. Additionally, she has been open about her journey with bipolar disorder, which she discussed in her documentary My Mind and Me. In a 2022 interview with Rolling Stone, she mentioned that the medication she takes for her bipolar disorder could prevent her from having a safe pregnancy.


Despite these challenges, Gomez remains hopeful about becoming a mother through other means, such as surrogacy or adoption. She expressed her gratitude for these alternatives, reflecting on her mother Mandy Teefey’s adoption and the love that has surrounded her family because of it.

“It’s not necessarily the way I envisioned it. I thought it would happen the way it happens for everyone,” Gomez explained. “But I’m in a much better place with that. I find it a blessing that there are wonderful people willing to do surrogacy or adoption, which are both huge possibilities for me. It made me really thankful for the other outlets for people who are dying to be moms. I’m one of those people.”


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