Paddington Bear, the beloved character created in 1958 by Michael Bond, has finally been granted a British passport. However, the passport, made as a prop for...
Druski has come under fire after posting a skit titled “African scammers be living they best life,” in which he portrayed a Nigerian scammer named Baba...
In a recent TikTok video, Simi empowers women to take charge of their financial independence Simi, the popular Nigerian singer, shared an inspiring message on TikTok,...
Burna Boy’s album Love, Damini has now joined the ranks of Nigerian albums to achieve RIAA Gold certification, following in the footsteps of notable works like...
Kendrick Lamar breaks down Drake diss track ‘Not Like Us,’ says he’s not ‘an angry person’ In a new interview with fellow musical icon SZA for...
Ariana Grande has extended an apology to Cassandra Peterson, famously known as Elvira, after Peterson claimed that the singer snubbed her during a meet-and-greet. Peterson recounted...
Zayn Malik has postponed the US leg of his Stairway to the Sky Tour in light of the “heartbreaking loss” of his former One Direction bandmate,...
The much-awaited Grand Egyptian Museum, home to the world’s largest collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts, has partially opened to the public. After more than two decades...
Chris Brown’s upcoming concert in South Africa has ignited a heated conversation about the country’s high levels of gender-based violence (GBV) and the message his performance...
Coldplay’s latest album, Moon Music, has made a historic impact, debuting at number one on the UK charts and selling more copies than the entire Top...