
Biden Renews Call for Assault Rifle Ban Following Attempted Shooting of Trump



Biden Renews Call for Assault Rifle Ban Following Attempted Shooting of Trump

In the wake of a recent failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump, President Joe Biden has reiterated his call for Congress to ban assault rifles, including the AR-15 model used in the incident.

During a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, Trump narrowly escaped injury when a gunman, shooting from a nearby rooftop, grazed his ear with a bullet. In response, Biden addressed the nation, emphasizing the need for stricter gun control measures.

“An AR-15 was used in the shooting of Donald Trump. This was the assault weapon that killed so many others, including children. It’s time to outlaw them,” Biden declared at a convention in Las Vegas.


The shooting led to a temporary halt in Biden’s campaign activities, as his team paused verbal attacks, pulled television ads, and promoted a message of unity. Returning to the campaign trail, Biden acknowledged the heated nature of current politics but stressed the importance of truth and transparency. Speaking at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) convention, he remarked, “Just because our politics are very divided doesn’t mean we should stop telling the truth. Who you are, what you’ve done, what you will do – that’s fair game.”

Biden also highlighted the achievements of his administration, noting, “Black unemployment hit a record low under the Biden-Harris administration,” referring to the historic 4.8% unemployment rate for Black or African Americans in 2023.

Gun control has long been a focal point of Biden’s political agenda. He played a key role in passing the 1994 assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004. Reflecting on that achievement, he stated, “I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again.” In 2022, Biden signed into law significant gun safety legislation, including enhanced background checks for gun buyers, marking the most substantial gun control measure in over two decades.


Despite these efforts, Biden has faced substantial opposition from Republicans regarding an assault weapons ban. Trump, who has consistently opposed Biden’s gun control measures, reaffirmed his stance even after the attempt on his life, promising to dismantle Biden’s gun rules if re-elected in November.

Authorities continue to investigate the motive behind the shooting by Thomas Matthew Crooks, who managed to fire at Trump from a building 130 meters away. An independent review of the Secret Service’s response to the incident is underway, and Republican leaders in Congress have announced their own investigation into the matter.


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