
Biden Proposes Supreme Court Reforms, Urges Term Limits and Ethics Rules



Biden Proposes Supreme Court Reforms, Urges Term Limits and Ethics Rules

President Joe Biden has put forth a comprehensive proposal aimed at reforming the U.S. Supreme Court, urging lawmakers to introduce term limits and establish an ethics code for the nine justices. This move is intended to “restore trust and accountability” within the court, which has increasingly become a focal point of political contention.

In recent years, the Supreme Court’s influence on issues ranging from abortion to environmental regulations has highlighted its significant role in American life. The court’s justices, appointed for life and unelected, have been at the center of numerous contentious decisions.

Biden’s proposal also includes a call for a constitutional amendment to limit presidential immunity, challenging a recent Supreme Court ruling. Despite the unlikelihood of passing such reforms through the current U.S. Congress, Democrats see this initiative as a means to energize voters ahead of the November 2024 election.


In a Washington Post opinion piece, President Biden stated that the current situation “undermines the public’s confidence in the court’s decisions, including those impacting personal freedoms.” He described the moment as standing “in a breach.”

To address these concerns, Biden advocates for ending lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court. Instead, he suggests that sitting presidents should appoint a new justice every two years, with each serving an 18-year term. Advocates for reform believe staggered 18-year-term limits could help depoliticize the court, making it more balanced and reflective of the population.

Additionally, President Biden is pushing Congress to implement a code of ethics for Supreme Court justices. This code would require justices to disclose gifts and refrain from overt political activities. Biden noted that “every other federal judge is bound by an enforceable code of conduct,” questioning why the Supreme Court should be exempt.


Lastly, Biden seeks to pass an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overturn a July 1 ruling that granted former President Donald Trump and other ex-presidents immunity from criminal prosecution for “official acts.” The court’s decision specified that presidents are immune for “official acts” but not for “unofficial acts.”

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