
Bangladesh Students Continues Rally for Change, After Ban



Bangladesh Students Continues Rally for Change, After Ban

Protesting students have courageously returned to the streets of the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka, showing remarkable resilience and unity as they defy a ban on public rallies. Despite recent clashes, which sadly resulted in casualties, the students’ unwavering determination has brought national attention to their cause.

Symbolic funeral processions have been planned to honor the memories of those who lost their lives, reflecting the students’ deep respect and commitment to their fellow citizens. While bus and train services have been temporarily halted, and a significant police presence remains, the students’ peaceful demonstrations continue to inspire many.

Educational institutions across Bangladesh have temporarily closed, yet this has not deterred the protesters. Their “Complete Shutdown” campaign has effectively blockaded roads across the city, showcasing their ability to mobilize and raise awareness for their cause.


On Friday, the students, chanting slogans of “merit, merit” and “we won’t let the blood that has been shed of our brothers go in vain,” were joined by supportive parents outside Dhaka University. Their call for a fair and merit-based recruitment system has resonated with many, including the main opposition Bangladesh National Party, which has also voiced support for the protests.

While police reported injuries among officers and some property damage, the overall spirit of the protests remains one of hope and peaceful change. The departure of protesters from the state broadcaster BTV, although it has not yet resumed broadcasting, signals a positive move towards dialogue and resolution.

The students’ steadfast commitment to justice and equality is a beacon of hope for future reforms in Bangladesh, emphasizing the power of peaceful protest and unity in achieving meaningful change.


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