
Actors Strike Against AI Use in Video Games



Actors Strike Against AI Use in Video Games

Hollywood performers are poised to strike against major video game companies like Activision, Warner Bros, and Walt Disney over concerns about artificial intelligence (AI) usage in gaming. This action follows a year and a half of negotiations between the companies and the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), which represents over 2,500 video game performers.

While both parties have reached agreements on key issues such as wages and job safety, the use of AI technology remains a significant point of contention. SAG-AFTRA, which previously initiated a strike that paralyzed Hollywood last year, is now challenging the gaming industry. The union fears that studios might use generative AI to replicate performers’ voices and physical appearances to animate video game characters without fair compensation.

SAG-AFTRA expressed concerns, stating, “Although agreements have been reached on many issues… the employers refuse to plainly affirm, in clear and enforceable language, that they will protect all performers covered by this contract in their AI language.” The union added, “We’re not going to consent to a contract that allows companies to abuse AI to the detriment of our members.”


In response, video game studios assert that they have made significant concessions. Audrey Cooling, a spokesperson for the 10 video game producers involved in negotiations with SAG-AFTRA, said, “We are disappointed the union has chosen to walk away when we are so close to a deal. Our offer is directly responsive to SAG-AFTRA’s concerns and extends meaningful AI protections that include requiring consent and fair compensation to all performers working under the [Interactive Media Agreement].”

The Interactive Media Agreement covers artists who provide voiceover services and on-camera work for video game characters. The previous agreement, which lacked AI protections, was set to expire in November 2022 but has been extended monthly as negotiations continue.

Last year, SAG-AFTRA organized a strike that secured $1 billion in new pay and benefits, along with AI safeguards, for TV and film actors in the US. The 118-day shutdown marked the longest in the union’s 90-year history.


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